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How did the ancient Irish deal with climate change?

Environment & Nature History & Society
How did the ancient Irish deal with climate change?
Event Description

Over the years, many thousands of archaeological excavations have taken place on the island of Ireland. Each one tells a unique story about the people who lived here in the past. In this talk, we will see how modern data science can be used help 'join the dots' and synthesise this information. This cutting-edge research provides new insights into how many people lived in the past, how their settlements were organised, and how they rose to the omnipresent challenge of making a living in the face of changing weather, climate and environment.


Rowan McLaughlin is an archaeologist who uses data science and statistics to understand how human populations changed through time. He currently works in the Hamilton Institute, Maynooth University, where he is the principal investigator of a project 'A deep history of Ireland for the Information Age', funded by the Irish Research Council.

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