Event Description
Technological advancements in Gene Editing have given scientists the ability to add, remove, or change regions of an organism’s DNA - this Cut and Paste technology can now be done with unprecedented precision.
Used to address global challenges like climate change, healthcare and food security, the technology will undoubtedly affect the planetary, public and personal health of future generations …..but may also have un-intended consequences; on natural eco-systems, on research regulation and could also be subject to scientific misuse.
Join scientists in the Faculty of Medicine, Health & Life Sciences at Queen’s to explore this revolutionary advancement. As a Gene-Editor for the day, you can use your Molecular Scissors to destroy invading viruses, to cultivate pest-resistant crops, to redress antibiotic resistance and develop safer therapies for disease or even to revive the extinct species, all whilst debating the ethical considerations and posing the question – what could possibly go wrong!
Please join us for post-event pizza in the MBC foyer from 1.30pm